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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Healthcare Visit

The healthcare visitor is coming today. I thought she was coming at half 11, turns out it's actually half 8. Cue a mad dash round the house in a feeble attempt to make us look like we live in a neat tidy house suitable for bringing up children. (Don't worry, I hid all the crack and drug paraphernalia) (disclaimer: joking. i actually hid our dirty laundry under the duvet and dry shampoo-ed my hair into oblivion) Update: upon reading the letter for a second time, I learnt that it's actually at half nine. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?! Further update: at 10.15am I got a note shoved through my letterbox and a car sped off. It was from the healthcare visitor saying sorry that she missed me today and she'll come next week.  Moral of the story? I don't know, I don't care, I'm going back to bed.

Ey Up

Don't expect a coherent, well structured and regularly updated blog about the up and downs of parenting. This will just be a load of babble about me and my upcoming baby. Upcoming baby sounds weird. But I'm not changing it because, well honestly, because I can't be arsed. Don't worry, I won't have that attitude when it comes to changing nappies. Anyway, I'm Bethany, I've just turned 25 and I'm a finance fairy at a theatre (accountant makes me sound like a briefcase wanker) and I was born and bred in Yorkshire. Me and my husband thought it'd be a cracking idea to have a baby. We still do but I am also shitting it. Not literally though... although I did almost piss myself in Aldi last week when a sneeze took me by surprise. So on that note I'll finish my introductory post and hopefully I'll remember to post once I drop me sprog. Don't count on it though seeing as I forgot to take off my socks and glasses to have a shower the oth...