The healthcare visitor is coming today. I thought she was coming at half 11, turns out it's actually half 8. Cue a mad dash round the house in a feeble attempt to make us look like we live in a neat tidy house suitable for bringing up children. (Don't worry, I hid all the crack and drug paraphernalia) (disclaimer: joking. i actually hid our dirty laundry under the duvet and dry shampoo-ed my hair into oblivion) Update: upon reading the letter for a second time, I learnt that it's actually at half nine. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?! Further update: at 10.15am I got a note shoved through my letterbox and a car sped off. It was from the healthcare visitor saying sorry that she missed me today and she'll come next week. Moral of the story? I don't know, I don't care, I'm going back to bed.
muddling through motherhood. a personal outlet, don't expect decent reading content - I'm too sleep deprived and up to my elbows in nappies.