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Showing posts from February, 2018

Poo Ponderings (Poo-Poop-Pe-Doop)

why does my monkey only poo for me and not her dad? why does her poo smell like cooked mince?  why does the poo have different colours and consistencies if all she has is milk? why does wiggles like having pooing sessions at 2/3 in the morning?  why is poo the topic of 50% of conversations now that me and dale have become parents? 

A Trip T'Pub

You've got to start them young! I had a wobble this week which consequently resulted in a big knock in my confidence so a trip to t'pub with my mum and bestie was much appreciated. And the Yorkshire Pudding sandwich that I scoffed was even more appreciated. And what I appreciated the most was that wiggles fell asleep so I could scoff my food in peace. Here you can see my daughter's current bff Dolly, who lives at grandma and grandad's house. Dolly keeps her distracted when changing nappies. Sometimes Dolly isn't enough and we all have a family sing song to Hello Dolly. Grandad Peter does an hilarious impression of Louis Armstrong. I must secretly record it so the world (or my handful of readers) can also experience it.

Who's a Pretty Girl? BURRRRRP!

wiggles has had some reet mood swings this week due to teething and sharing genes with me. however when we have moments like this it reduces my urge to donate her to the orphanage when she kicks off. Her smile just melts my heart and her burps make me one proud mama. She is ignoring the societal pressures of behaving like a "lady" - go girl! Ooo, this video features the vocal talents of Auntie Rachel (not auntie by blood, just doing the northern thing of making all mummy's friends an auntie or uncle. although I consider Rachel my other sister so the auntie title is rightly deserved)

Three Months Old!

You'd think that I would have stopped being astounded about my daughter still being alive, NOPE. 3 months baby ;) Highlights of our third month • we survived a very public poo explosion. the only casualty was a vest that i just threw away because it had turned yellow (yep it was that bad) • wiggles has outgrown her moses basket so I'm now conforming to the mum stereotype of saying "I can't believe she's growing up so fast!" (ugh I hate myself for saying it) • we went further afield on our bus adventures! we somehow got stuck in-between a pole and a seat but the slight embarrassment was worth it as I had a cracking time meeting with my NCT buddies and their sprogs. • the way she smiles at me when i peer over her cot on a morning. i feel like we're bonding now and it feels lovely :)

I Pity the Drool!

I had no idea teething started so early! I thought it'd be a few months away. Apparently not. None are cutting through or owt like that. Just experiencing mountains and mountains of drool. It's like I've given birth to a bulldog expect noisier and less furry. Look at the line of bloody drool hanging from her mouth. It just makes my heart burst with love. I obviously mean bloody in the swearing sense, not literally. (shout-out to grandad peter! ey up dad!) So next time you'll see me I'll be sporting a very fetching dribble stain. Unless I slopped summat else down myself, that's also very likely. Only people who personally know me will get this. Toddlers have less food and drink stains on their clothes than I do. Fact. (do I get bonus points for making my blog post title a Mr T pun?)

Tummy Time

you can tell when i can't be arsed to write a half decent post because all i do is upload a video. so here is my little squidge desperately trying to crawl and making cute noises. there's also a fart noise which is either an actual fart or her blowing a raspberry. the jury is out on that one.

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