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Showing posts from June, 2018


Life's getting in the way of me posting as regularly as I'd like. All sorts of baby and non baby stuff is happening in my life so I keep choosing sleep over posting my usual babbles. So in the meantime here is some actual baby babblings from monkey.


Too. Hot. To. Blog. Heatwaves are all well and good, but oh lordy it is difficult to get a baby to sleep in this heat. Especially one as sweaty as mine. But she's cute as heck so i forgive her

Back to Tap Class

Bit of background - I started tap dancing in April 2014 at my local community centre. My mate Rachel (of Auntie Rachel fame) came with me. We were soon christened the "Baby Tappers" because we were the only ones under 30 odd who were also proper shit. We do yearly tapathons for charity. It's bloody brilliant. So after nine months leave, I returned. Here are my babblings; • I was really scared about my lady parts falling out with all the jigging about we do (luckily it stayed up where it belongs) • I severely overestimated the strength of my pelvic floor. If I hadn't have weed before I definitely would have fully pissed myself. • There's a plant growing through the roof. We have lovingly named her Ivy • It was the most exercise I've done since my sprog was conceived • The ladies complimented me on my figure (obviously not important but still nice!) • I bloody missed it. Dancing makes me so happy. I don't care that I look like an electrocuted sp...

Father's Day

These two are utterly and completely besotted with each other. Definitely a daddy's girl. Look how cute they were in their matching outfits on father's day. He's such a good dad. I could babble on for years about all the reasons why. But I won't because it'll make me cry. And I also can't be arsed. The three of us all may have very different personalities but there are some strong family traits we all possess. The main one being that we all have the ability to share ridiculous anecdotes that involve food ending up anywhere but our mouths. Examples below; Dale: He found a grain of rice in his belly button. He hadn't had rice that day. Me: I went about my day with a baked bean in my hair. My friend had to point it out to me because I was oblivious. Squidge: She sneezed and kiwi seeds flew out of her nose. She ate the kiwi several days prior. We are a family of weirdos and I love it.

Seven Months Old!

Firstly a confession. I didn't realise she was seven months old until my auntie asked how old monkey was and I replied with "oh nearly seven months" and dale was like "no, she's actually seven months. today" ....whoops Highlights of our seventh month • we attended our first wedding! Squidge got all dressed up (see above) and saw all the Bealies (my Nana had 11 kids so there's bloody millions of us haha! ...I genuinely have no idea how she dealt with 11 kids. I have one and I need soooo much help with her 🙈) • wiggles is obsessed with trying to stand up. she doesnt let the fact that she can't stand up phase her. We should all have the ambition and determination of a baby! • she has mastered the SOOOOO BIIIIIIG trick. to the extent that she'll just do it at random times so you have to drop all conversation and say SOOOOO BIIIIIIG to her. Or she'll just sit there with her hands in the air. • we introduced finger food. she takes that to...

Lidl Loving.

Yesterday was our weekly big shop. Me and dale are recent Lidl converts. We are all about the middle aisles. We're there for the mystery, excitement and bargains. So obviously I was buzzing when they had a crap-tonne (sorry still on the crap-tonne hype ha) of baby books! Head, shoulders, knees and toes is monkey's favourite song so I actually squealed when I saw this. 😂 (I need to get out more clearly) (GET OUT MORE TO LIDL COS ITS THE TITS) We also bought all the boring food stuff as I needed to stock up of squidge's meals for the week. Meal prepping as the cool kids call it. I wouldn't know because I am very uncool (and happy about it, far less effort) Today I made; • avocado, tomato and yoghurt (to pop in my transportable squeezey pouches for meals out and about) • broccoli, courgette, onion and cheese mush (I had a pot myself and it wasn't half bad!) • courgette slices and circles (to roast for finger food) • I got bored so didn't do ow...

Bargain Queen

My blog title now has me singing bloody ABBA. Not that it's a bad thing. Love a bit of ABBA. YOOOOUUU CAN DAAAAANCE, YOOOUU CAN JIIIIIIIVE! Absolute banger. Enough of the babbling. As you may know, I am reet Yorkshire. One of the traits of being a proper Yorkshire lass is loving a bargain (aka being a tight arse with yer money ha) Sooooo you can imagine my excitement when i hit up the local mum2mum baby sale this weekend. The name "mum2mum" annoys me because it's not just mum's that are involved in raising a child - there's dad, friends, grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. But that's probably not going to be a catchy business name so I get it. Sorry, another babble. I got all this for £7! 9 items for £7! That's less than 80p per item! The Minnie Mouse outfit (I bloody love Disney) brand new is £15! So I'm £8 up already. And I can't be arsed to find out how much the other stuff cost but let's say I've saved a crap-tonne. ...


First of all, the sleeping through thing I got overly excited about? Out of the window. Ah well co-sleeping is lovely even if it does result in various injuries for me and dale. Monkey claws at us like a velociraptor. She's also gone from having one poo every three days to three poos every day ever since she started on solids. It's rather impressive. Well it's impressive if you're impressed by my child's bowel habits...I am assuming that you're not. Chunk LOVES her food, she hasn't rejected anything we've offered her (yet!) and I'm still going with making my own mush for her. It finally puts my A* in food tech to good use after almost 10 years of obtaining the GCSE. Dribble chops has finally nailed SOOOOO BIIIIIIG. It's so freaking cute. I say nailed, she doesn't do it on demand, she just randomly throws her arms in the air and waits until someone says SOOOOO BIIIIIIG. That's it really. This post was a bit all over the place...


guess what? she slept through. in her own bed. it's a bloody miracle. if this isn't a fluke and she carries on being a bloody star then we'll start thinking about popping her in her own room. which I will both love and hate. if you're also a parent, or care for a baby overnight or whatever, you will understand why I'm so excited. Mainly because I am always asked "is she sleeping through" and usually I just snort and pull a stink face. But now I can reply with "YES SHE BLOODY HAS/IS" (an aside: I am obsessed with squidge's smiley face. It's so genuine. Her whole face lights up when she smiles. She is so joyful!)