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Showing posts from April, 2018


SQUUDGE SLEPT THROUGH! SHE ONLY WENT AND BLOODY SLEPT THROUGH!!!! FROM 11.45PM TO 6.50AM!!! I SUPPOSE IT WAS KIND OF CHEATING BECAUSE SHE SLEPT IN OUR BED BUT SCREW THAT, SHE BLOODY SLEPT THROUGH!!!!!! I AM PREMATURELY CELEBRATING BECAUSE ITS LIKELY TO BE A FLUKE BUT SOD IT, LETS CELEBRATE EVERYTHING IN LIFE!!! hehe, I'm just a bit excited about her sleeping through :) Here are a few other things that have occurred recently; • I knelt in a puddle of my daughter's wee (and I wasn't even that arsed tbh) • Squidge keeps having coughing fits which makes her shart • Monkey chops keeps pulling this hilarious old man face


Being a Yorkshire lass, it's a rite of passage to go to Eureka. If you haven't heard of it (and if you haven't, why not?) it's a children's museum in Halifax and it's bloody amazing! Me and Dale went with my lovely colleague and her gorgeous little lad who is a few months off two. He was definitely more into eureka than squidge. Probably because she's only five months old. He was so lovely with squidge and even held her hand at one point. It was so bloody cute!!! We tried to get a photo but getting a photo of two sprogs is quite the challenge. But this one is reet nice. Even if monkey only has one sock on haha. The grown-ups favourite things; • the reasonably priced cafe  (food is very important) • the abundance of baby change places  (nicknamed code yellows and bye-byes lol) • i can't speak for the other two but I reet enjoyed all the opportunities to dress up The kiddo's favourite things; • going in the lift  (yep, really hahaha) ...

Be My Guest - Kelly

Hello all, guest blogger Kelly today - I asked Beth if I could contribute to her blog as I love reading it and have also recently had a baby myself (but unlike Beth I don't have the IT skills or dedication to create and maintain my own regular blog!).  So about me; if anyone ever asked what I wanted most from life, my response would be to have children and be a mum. I've been really lucky that from a young age I've been able to get plenty of 'mum practice' in; I have a beautiful god-sister whose nappies I've been changing since I was 9, I became a carer and support worker for children with various disabilities over 12 years ago, I've been the original 'panto mother' for as long as i can remember - and of course I'm the only one on a night out who can get totally shitfaced yet be able to administer basic first aid and also remember to take out tape/gauze/tissues/etc to parent the rest of the group! In my professional life I'm a social wor...

Great Grandad Leslie

Squidge is very lucky to have six great grandparents in her life (and she also has a great-great grandad!) (they have 'em young in barnsley) (my in-laws are from barnsley) Today we visited her Great Grandad Leslie (my maternal grandad) in his new care home. He has fairly advanced dementia so I don't think he has much concept about who my sprog is, or even who I am for that matter. But it's reet because he clearly adores her and he fully lights up whenever she's in the room. It's so lovely to see, his memories may have faded but his love for his family is clearly here to stay for the time being :)

Table Tots Sale Mega Haul

Nearly new sales are the shit. I got some reet bargains! And its good karma and whatnot. It was totally worth queueing up half an hour early with my mum. We were like Monica in that episode of Friends where they go wedding dress shopping. Anyway here is what I got: Tommee Tippee Steamer Blender new- £70 Infantino Squeeze Station new - £32 Infantino 50 pouches new - £18 I paid... £35! Little Tikes Pink Trike new - £70 I paid... £25! Leap Frog Learn n Groove Activity Station new - £85 (a while back though) I paid... £10! So using my accountancy knowledge (something which I have 85% forgotten since being off work) I got £275 worth of gear for £70. Banging! So yeah, I thoroughly recommend nearly new sales. You can find out about them via Facebook and I go to Table Tots which is for ones in Yorkshire. Cos us Yorkshire folk love a good bargain. (I did a quick Google to find out the new prices, they may be found cheaper in shops or with further researc...

Five Months Old!

It won't come as a surprise to you that it's a surprise to me that wiggles is actually that old. Highlights of our fifth  month • I successfully changed a nappy whilst being horrendously hungover and didn't chob (despite getting poo all over my hand and my child weeing on my foot) • we got bought a bumbo seat (a £10 charity shop bargain may I add!) and it's been a huge hit. Squidge can't sit up yet so it's brill for supporting her. She hasn't mastered how to escape from it yet (as demonstrated above) • WE GOT ON A MOTHER FUDGING TRAIN BY OURSELVES AND IT WAS FINE! on our way back she did a poo so smelly it stunk the train out. haha lol. • I've pushed myself and made plans to leave the house more often with squidge • I actually attempted to get poo stains out of wiggles' clothes rather than just throw them away! I know, impressive right? Even more impressive, IT WORKED! My favourite highlight was having a Thanksgiving service with our fam...

Finding Yer Feet.

These past two weeks squidge has really started to be much more interactive and deliberate with her actions. She is mad for touching her feet. Keeps her entertained for minutes (which is a long time for a nearly five month old)  And she can put things in her mouth on purpose. Before she used to smack herself in the face until she accidentally got whatever in her mouth. It was well funny to watch, I'll miss that.  She's also learnt to stare at whatever she wants to grab (she likes stationery) or where she wants to go. I am a fan of this new skill because I may be her mother but I have zero telepathic skills and I used to just guess what she wanted to do. (Parenting is 100% trial and error in my experience) I am also finding my feet. I'm not sure that I'll ever get my head around this whole parenting thing but I'm getting better at blagging it and accepting that doing my best is good enough. Perfection is overrated. 

Things I'm No Longer Bothered By

1. Shit on my hand 2. Drool on my face 3. Stains on my clothes 4. Grease in my hair 5. Nothing in my bank 6. Bags under my eyes and I'm not bothered by them at all because I love this little squidge and she loves me.

F is for Friends (and 50!)

I have this super lame title because this is the 50th post! I am well impressed that I've managed to keep it up for this long. It's also titled this because I watch way too much Sesame Street and they have the letter of the day. Anyway, my little monkey has been a reet social butterfly recently. She deffo didn't get that from her parents. Auntie Rachel kindly chauffeured us to the play gym. Squidge liked staring at the boys in the walker best. Mummy and Auntie Rachel liked the fish fingers butties. (we're not sure how her hair got like that but can we all agree that's it's bloody hilarious!) Then we visited Auntie Kaleigh and her little lass who loves babies so obviously they're besties. She will definitely be taking squidge on her first night out in 16 years time.  Then my panto mother (I believe that everyone should have a panto mother) popped by with her sprog who is so diddy and cute and makes my child look like a reet chunk (explai...

Unexpected Discoveries

• my child's play mat makes a pretty decent duvet (it's a long story that I can't be arsed to explain) • Calpol doesn't taste as good as it smells • Calpol also is quite tricky to get out of your hair (blame my husband) • Jeremy Kyle is oddly addictive and I admit that tune in most days. I find the people fascinating and they cannot be real • Dentinox gel feels reet weird on your gums (...I was curious so I tried it) • the Hey Duggee theme tune is an absolute banger (chunk is a big fan)