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Five Months Old!

It won't come as a surprise to you that it's a surprise to me that wiggles is actually that old.

Highlights of our fifth month
• I successfully changed a nappy whilst being horrendously hungover and didn't chob (despite getting poo all over my hand and my child weeing on my foot)
• we got bought a bumbo seat (a £10 charity shop bargain may I add!) and it's been a huge hit. Squidge can't sit up yet so it's brill for supporting her. She hasn't mastered how to escape from it yet (as demonstrated above)
• WE GOT ON A MOTHER FUDGING TRAIN BY OURSELVES AND IT WAS FINE! on our way back she did a poo so smelly it stunk the train out. haha lol.
• I've pushed myself and made plans to leave the house more often with squidge
• I actually attempted to get poo stains out of wiggles' clothes rather than just throw them away! I know, impressive right? Even more impressive, IT WORKED!

My favourite highlight was having a Thanksgiving service with our family and friends. A Thanksgiving is like a less religious Christening, more of a welcome to the world rather than a welcome to a religion. I even had me a glass of wine.
