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Showing posts from August, 2018

Ladies who Lunch

An old panto buddy is off to join the army so me, monkey and auntie rachel joined him for lunch. We went to a lovely Greek place in our local town. I was a bit nervous taking wiggles because I'm used to taking her to more casual dining places but I needn't have worried - they were so accommodating and welcoming of us both! The waiters absolutely doted on her and she was loving all the attention. I love that she's a confident socialable baby who's willing to share her smile with anyone and everyone. Here she is stuffing her face with pitta bread. She actually managed to shove the whole strip into her mouth (don't worry she realised that it was over ambitious of her to do so and promptly took it out - classy girl) My confidence is taking dribble chops places is really improving. Don't get me wrong, I still get anxious mentally but I don't get the increased heart rate and whatnot anymore. It also helps that my sprog is quite chill and contented. An...


Look who's learnt to pull wine bottles of her grandma's wine rack! Although I am disappointed with her choice, August is not the time for mulled wine lass.

Oh my god, look at her butt.

How is that even comfy lass? She's a cough drop. edit: my mum sent me this photo of me from when I was a sprog. I see what she gets it from now.

Brain Dump (warning: contains mushy emotional babble)

I just love my little monkey so much. She's just pure joy. Even when she's being a little shit and generally being a baby (babies can be well annoying. I know they can't help it but it's true) After my sister Emma died I was so numb and couldn't ever see myself enjoying life like I used to. Which made me feel guilty because I know that Emma would want me to be happy and live my best life. However when wiggles came along she taught me (and my family) that you can experience the utmost happiness along side the sadness. She reminded us that life is good. I still have my PND (and still on the waiting list for therapy *sigh*) but experiencing the world a new with my ray of sunshine is helping fix my broken heart. I think IKEA sums it up pretty well (haha hear me out) with their slogan - the wonderful everyday. Dribble chops remind me that there is happiness and excitement in normal everyday stuff, which helps balance out missing Emma, feeling low and the PND. For...

Nine Months Old!

3/4 of a year old. Bonkers. Is it too early to start planning her birthday party? I'm known for getting excited about birthdays far earlier than necessary. But why not, let's celebrate life! Here she is at Eureka, before she (accidentally) pushed over a little boy twice her size and made him cry. I was half embarrassed and half impressed with her hulk like strength. Highlights of our ninth month; • surviving norovirus • making a new friend (my lovely colleague and her sprog joined us at Eureka. She's so dinky and cute and smiley) • attending our second baby rave which was at my work and then getting to show off monkey to my colleagues • learning how to whisper. it's kinda creepy, kinda cute. it's like she's plotting our demise. I shall monitor the situation

Diarrhea (Here We Go Again)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I've been broken hearted! POOOOOOOOO since the day you sharted! sorry I'll stop 😂😂😂 I find it's best to face adversity with humour. Even if the humour is embarrassingly bad. Our poor baby girl had caught a very nasty tummy bug last week (which she generously passed onto her mum, dad, grandma, both grandads and auntie - thanks babe) which meant that there was a lot of runny poo. There was so much poo. And when it's that runny it leaks. Everywhere. It actually made me have a full on crying session. We were just so used to her (generally) sleeping in longer chunks so we could sleep in longer chunks. So when we were up every night washing poop off everything and then up again at six washing poop off everything, it just got to me. Then I felt like a knob because it wasn't her fault. And then I started to think about people in developing countries who have to deal with it and I'm here with all the amenities needed to deal with it and I was s...

Staying Alive

if my blog title didn't make you instantly burst into the Bee Gees then I request that you politely leave and go learn the lyrics to staying alive. Anyway.... Before I became a mum, my reasoning for not being ready to be a parent was my inability to keep a plant alive. I have been a parent for nearly nine months and I still cannot keep a plant alive. I'm not sure what to make of this.

Misc. (you know I actually don't know what misc means, just a vague idea)

I haven't really got the content for a coherent themed post. So here's a list of stuff • she can say dada! it's so unbelievably cute and amazing. she just needs to learn to just say it to her dad. because she just says to everything and everyone. which makes me look like a reet tart • when she's tired she does this really giddy excited breathing and it results in a snort. it is bloody hilarious, little piggy 🐷 • she blagged herself some free toast at a nursery visit. My baby is a hustler 😎 • monkey can wave. only she does it on her own terms and not when you want her to say ey up or ta-ra (hello and goodbye respectively in yorkshire) and here is a photo of her looking like a nutter.