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Ladies who Lunch

An old panto buddy is off to join the army so me, monkey and auntie rachel joined him for lunch.

We went to a lovely Greek place in our local town. I was a bit nervous taking wiggles because I'm used to taking her to more casual dining places but I needn't have worried - they were so accommodating and welcoming of us both!

The waiters absolutely doted on her and she was loving all the attention. I love that she's a confident socialable baby who's willing to share her smile with anyone and everyone.

Here she is stuffing her face with pitta bread. She actually managed to shove the whole strip into her mouth (don't worry she realised that it was over ambitious of her to do so and promptly took it out - classy girl)

My confidence is taking dribble chops places is really improving. Don't get me wrong, I still get anxious mentally but I don't get the increased heart rate and whatnot anymore.

It also helps that my sprog is quite chill and contented. And on the odd occasion that she's not she's easily distracted with bribes food
