Well the blog has definitely fallen by the wayside. Mainly because September was hella busy with sister stuff (death anniversary, charity stuff, etc etc etc) and from 1st October I returned to work (eeeeeeeeeeek)
But yay 11 months old! One month off turning 1 year old! Cray Cray.
Monkey looks a bit shifty here. I think she's plotting my demise because I was blocking her view of Postman Pat in order to take a photo 😂
Highlights of our eleventh month:
• she's fiiiiiiinally using her walker. for months she insisted on holding our hand when she wanted to walk which has ruined all our backs
• she started nursery! 😍
• waving has been mastered. maybe a bit too much. Whenever I pick her up to take her to another room she waves bye bye. it's very cute.
• dale as instilled a love of banjo music into her. she claps and giggles along to red neck music. we'll be moving into our trailer next week ha.
• probably loads more but I cannot recall any at this current moment in time
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