Well the blog has definitely fallen by the wayside. Mainly because September was hella busy with sister stuff (death anniversary, charity stuff, etc etc etc) and from 1st October I returned to work (eeeeeeeeeeek) But yay 11 months old! One month off turning 1 year old! Cray Cray. Monkey looks a bit shifty here. I think she's plotting my demise because I was blocking her view of Postman Pat in order to take a photo 😂 Highlights of our eleventh month: • she's fiiiiiiinally using her walker. for months she insisted on holding our hand when she wanted to walk which has ruined all our backs • she started nursery! 😍 • waving has been mastered. maybe a bit too much. Whenever I pick her up to take her to another room she waves bye bye. it's very cute. • dale as instilled a love of banjo music into her. she claps and giggles along to red neck music. we'll be moving into our trailer next week ha. • probably loads more but I cannot recall any at thi...
My return to work is fast looming (is 'fast looming' even a thing? Have I worked that right? Idk whatever) sooooooo this blog will probably become a weekly occurance until I'm back in the swing of it (so that'll be never ha) Anyway. So as I've said before, I've started my perinatal therapy and my counsellor is an absolute gem. My aim after my first session (well second but the my first session was more of a getting to know you kinda thiiiiing) is to practice grounding. Grounding is detaching from my overwhelming emotional pain so I can gain control over my feelings and have a sense of control. There's loads of different ways to "ground" and my task for the next two weeks is to see which ones work for me and to practice them several times a day. I have also been instructed to stop metaphorically beating myself up, calling myself daft/silly/stupid and apologising for my feelings. That is a 25 year habit that'll be tough to crack. Anyway, ...