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Four Months Old!

She's still live and kicking. Like really kicking, she doesn't half boot me when I change her nappy. Ungrateful grotbag. (kidding) (mostly)
I found out roundabout this time last year that I was preggers. Dale made me pee on the stick 3 times before he believed me. A year on and my little monkey has made it through a third of a year, wooho!

Highlights of our forth month
chunk had her first trip to wetherspoons cos she's a classy bird like her mother
• me and dale got her weighed and she's now 16lb! it makes carting her about an olympic sport but my arms should get proper toned (the same can't be said for my tummy, thighs and arse unfortunately)
• she actually smiled when having her 16 week injections. we may have a future junkie on our hands. she already looks like a crack addict when we give her teething powder. 
• i actually managed to sing my child to sleep! whether she did it because she found it soothing or just to shut me up I don't know BUT WHO CARES SHE WENT TO SLEEP! 
