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She's Out, We're Home!

First of all, I am so bloody jealous of women who loved labour. I won't go into the gory details of mine but I will stay that I am fricking traumatised.

But it's worth it for this amazing little jellybean ❤️

Completely and utterly in love. And Dale is such a wonderful dad. And he says I'm a wonderful mum. I'll be happy if we're more like the "okay-est" parents as long as we love her to pieces. Which we obv do because LOOK AT HER (disclaimer: we're bias and we know it)

Random babblings:
• the inventor of gas and air needs an award
• why do I get so relieved when seeing a poo in her nappy?
• leaky boobs are the devil
• thank god for grandparents, me and dale would be sat in a pile of dirty clothes, starving and crazy from sleep deprivation without them
