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Two Months Old!

Wahey, me and Dale have managed to keep our daughter alive for another month! 2 down, 2747428383738 to go!

Highlights of our second month
• smiles! so many smiles. and they're not windy ones. they are genuine smiles and they are beautiful...
• ...which made being sloppy pooed on much more bearable. luckily it was only my index finger (i was applying sudacrem)
• her first trip on a train was a success! I was terrified about her kicking off and being stuck but I needn't had worried because she just slept
• she met all my colleagues and more importantly she didn't threw up on my colleagues
• we all attended our NCT reunion (ante natal classes) and managed to successfully participate in a group photo. we won't focus on the pile of drool she left behind on the organisers play mat...
