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Not So Easy Peas-y

Sorry not sorry about the horrendous title pun! Squidge will be ready to start weaning very soon so I thought "oooh let's have a practice at making her food!"

Reet, I'll be honest, I am most definitely not blessed in the domesticity department. I melt clothes when ironing, I put grease proof paper in the grill and get confused when it catches fire, I am not entirely where we keep the dusters or even if we actually own dusters.

So deciding to make all my own food rather than buying jars/pouches may seem odd. I don't really have a reason for doing so apart from just fancying having a go.

The first challenge was choosing what to make first. I went for peas because it was the only vegetable we had in the house which would be suitable (I'm a salad-y veg kinda gal)

The next challenge was "the recipe" because I didn't have one and couldn't be arsed to look for one. So I blagged it. I shouldn't have blagged it. I thought "half a can seems enough" however just peas was too sludge like so I added some milk (formula milk before any keyboard warrior parents get outraged) but I added waaaaaaaay too much and it turned to like watery pea milk. Vom. So I chucked in the rest of the peas and wahey it came out alright. Looks like sneeze but tastes fine.

Then I poured them into these little pots. Except I forgot to take the lid off the first one and it went everywhere. Hahaha.

My bargain steamer-blender is a dream to use and not too bad to clean. I'd recommend it especially if you're lazy and domestically challenged like myself, but I'm sure other methods are just as effective (and a bit cheaper, unless you get one second hand like mysen)

I'll let you know how I get on actually trying to get monkey to eat my creation 😂
