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Babies Cry.

When I went for my psychological assessment to determine whether I needed counselling (spoiler alert: I do), the counsellor (let's call her Barbara) was so lovely, sympathetic and understanding.

The main thing that Barbara said that really stuck with me was that "babies cry"

To you it may seem obvious but to me it was a bloody revelation. The penny dropped. Babies cry! And that's OK!

It's not my job to prevent crying (that would require being able to read my child's mind) but more to try to stop the crying and/or comfort her through the crying.

Because, you know, sometimes babies cry for no damn reason. They cry for one reason, you sort it out, then they change their mind and want the opposite and cry again. Eventually they'll stop crying...until they start crying again.

Those two words have helped me so much. I mean obviously the post natal depression is still there but it's the second tool in my arsenal to help me combat it.
(the first tool is my family and friends)
