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One Month Old!

Shall we all rejoice in the fact that me and Dale have actually managed to keep our daughter alive for a whole bloody month?!

And we've all survived. Just about. I still feel like that I need sectioning but that's because I'm having a bad run of days currently. But I am going to focus on the positive for this post. Or at least try my best to.

Highlights of our First Month
• strangers in the supermarket telling us how cute our child is
• peeing and pooing out in the open (the baby, not me and dale...obv)
• singing inappropriate songs together as a family (mostly the songs featured in family guy)
• just her face in general
• most of all, the love and support from our family and friends. from visits to cards to thoughtful messages to offers of help. it really means a lot.

And here is a panoramic photo of our pig sty of a lounge to show that the idyllic photos that I share on Instagram and Facebook are just the glossy highlights of a rollercoaster whirlwind experience of parenting so far.
