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Showing posts from 2018

Eleven Months Old!

Well the blog has definitely fallen by the wayside. Mainly because September was hella busy with sister stuff (death anniversary, charity stuff, etc etc etc) and from 1st October I returned to work (eeeeeeeeeeek)  But yay 11 months old! One month off turning 1 year old! Cray Cray.  Monkey looks a bit shifty here. I think she's plotting my demise because I was blocking her view of Postman Pat in order to take a photo 😂 Highlights of our eleventh month: • she's fiiiiiiinally using her walker. for months she insisted on holding our hand when she wanted to walk which has ruined all our backs • she started nursery! 😍  • waving has been mastered. maybe a bit too much. Whenever I pick her up to take her to another room she waves bye bye. it's very cute. • dale as instilled a love of banjo music into her. she claps and giggles along to red neck music. we'll be moving into our trailer next week ha. • probably loads more but I cannot recall any at thi...


My return to work is fast looming (is 'fast looming' even a thing? Have I worked that right? Idk whatever) sooooooo this blog will probably become a weekly occurance until I'm back in the swing of it (so that'll be never ha) Anyway. So as I've said before, I've started my perinatal therapy and my counsellor is an absolute gem. My aim after my first session (well second but the my first session was more of a getting to know you kinda thiiiiing) is to practice grounding. Grounding is detaching from my overwhelming emotional pain so I can gain control over my feelings and have a sense of control. There's loads of different ways to "ground" and my task for the next two weeks is to see which ones work for me and to practice them several times a day. I have also been instructed to stop metaphorically beating myself up, calling myself daft/silly/stupid and apologising for my feelings. That is a 25 year habit that'll be tough to crack. Anyway, ...

Ten Months Old!

I was this close to giving up on this blog due to my mental health taking a massive hit, but I shall persevere. With the blog and life in general. So squidge is 10 months old. Double figures. And still alive. Go me. Here we are dressed as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for a charity wheelchair push for Emma's Mito Mission (to raise money for Mitochondrial Disease which is what my sister died of - still collecting sponsors here  if you're feeling generous) (we'll ignore the fact that madam had a tantrum before so didn't actually do the five miles. Mum and Dad 0, Monkey 1) Highlights of her tenth month; • she can say mum!!!!!!!!!!!! but only when she's absolutely sobbing her eyes out. Which I know is nice but it also absolutely heart breaking. She'll be able to play me like a fiddle now she can say mum. She saves her dada's for happy singing times • the top two teeth has cut through. FINALLY. Maybe, just maybe, she'll sleep better now (haha we w...

About 4,858,439 steps backwards

Squidge is sleeping ok for both sets of grandparents but not when she's at home. So it's clearly something I am doing wrong. Except I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know what I'm doing full stop. It's 11.23pm and I've only just got her to sleep. She was yawning and rubbing her eyes at 6.50pm and we put her down to sleep at 7pm yet the hysterics started and didn't stop. It's been like this for two or three weeks now and it's really wearing me down. I can feel myself spiralling again and it's poop. I just want to have a handle on things. I want to have the patience and perseverance and positivtity to deal with curveballs. Instead I'm just criticising and catastrophising (I really didn't mean to go to town on the alliteration just then. If only I had a natural talent for parenting rather than basic literary devices!) Thank god my therapy starts in a week and a bit. I really hope she can fix my thinking. My therapist i...


I finally have my counselling sessions scheduled. It's weird, I almost feel like I don't need them because I am actually doing miles better than I was when I got referred.  But I know I do. I've just coped by blocking my thoughts rather than changing them. And when things get bad (like last week's sleep regression) that's when I crumble and have scary thoughts.  I'm glad it's happening but I am shitting it about having to spill and address all my feelings. Which is daft because I'm half doing it now on this blog. But it's easier to be brave and honest from behind a screen.  Woah this post got a bit deep. Here's a photo of squidge.

Ladies who Lunch

An old panto buddy is off to join the army so me, monkey and auntie rachel joined him for lunch. We went to a lovely Greek place in our local town. I was a bit nervous taking wiggles because I'm used to taking her to more casual dining places but I needn't have worried - they were so accommodating and welcoming of us both! The waiters absolutely doted on her and she was loving all the attention. I love that she's a confident socialable baby who's willing to share her smile with anyone and everyone. Here she is stuffing her face with pitta bread. She actually managed to shove the whole strip into her mouth (don't worry she realised that it was over ambitious of her to do so and promptly took it out - classy girl) My confidence is taking dribble chops places is really improving. Don't get me wrong, I still get anxious mentally but I don't get the increased heart rate and whatnot anymore. It also helps that my sprog is quite chill and contented. An...


Look who's learnt to pull wine bottles of her grandma's wine rack! Although I am disappointed with her choice, August is not the time for mulled wine lass.

Oh my god, look at her butt.

How is that even comfy lass? She's a cough drop. edit: my mum sent me this photo of me from when I was a sprog. I see what she gets it from now.

Brain Dump (warning: contains mushy emotional babble)

I just love my little monkey so much. She's just pure joy. Even when she's being a little shit and generally being a baby (babies can be well annoying. I know they can't help it but it's true) After my sister Emma died I was so numb and couldn't ever see myself enjoying life like I used to. Which made me feel guilty because I know that Emma would want me to be happy and live my best life. However when wiggles came along she taught me (and my family) that you can experience the utmost happiness along side the sadness. She reminded us that life is good. I still have my PND (and still on the waiting list for therapy *sigh*) but experiencing the world a new with my ray of sunshine is helping fix my broken heart. I think IKEA sums it up pretty well (haha hear me out) with their slogan - the wonderful everyday. Dribble chops remind me that there is happiness and excitement in normal everyday stuff, which helps balance out missing Emma, feeling low and the PND. For...

Nine Months Old!

3/4 of a year old. Bonkers. Is it too early to start planning her birthday party? I'm known for getting excited about birthdays far earlier than necessary. But why not, let's celebrate life! Here she is at Eureka, before she (accidentally) pushed over a little boy twice her size and made him cry. I was half embarrassed and half impressed with her hulk like strength. Highlights of our ninth month; • surviving norovirus • making a new friend (my lovely colleague and her sprog joined us at Eureka. She's so dinky and cute and smiley) • attending our second baby rave which was at my work and then getting to show off monkey to my colleagues • learning how to whisper. it's kinda creepy, kinda cute. it's like she's plotting our demise. I shall monitor the situation

Diarrhea (Here We Go Again)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I've been broken hearted! POOOOOOOOO since the day you sharted! sorry I'll stop 😂😂😂 I find it's best to face adversity with humour. Even if the humour is embarrassingly bad. Our poor baby girl had caught a very nasty tummy bug last week (which she generously passed onto her mum, dad, grandma, both grandads and auntie - thanks babe) which meant that there was a lot of runny poo. There was so much poo. And when it's that runny it leaks. Everywhere. It actually made me have a full on crying session. We were just so used to her (generally) sleeping in longer chunks so we could sleep in longer chunks. So when we were up every night washing poop off everything and then up again at six washing poop off everything, it just got to me. Then I felt like a knob because it wasn't her fault. And then I started to think about people in developing countries who have to deal with it and I'm here with all the amenities needed to deal with it and I was s...

Staying Alive

if my blog title didn't make you instantly burst into the Bee Gees then I request that you politely leave and go learn the lyrics to staying alive. Anyway.... Before I became a mum, my reasoning for not being ready to be a parent was my inability to keep a plant alive. I have been a parent for nearly nine months and I still cannot keep a plant alive. I'm not sure what to make of this.

Misc. (you know I actually don't know what misc means, just a vague idea)

I haven't really got the content for a coherent themed post. So here's a list of stuff • she can say dada! it's so unbelievably cute and amazing. she just needs to learn to just say it to her dad. because she just says to everything and everyone. which makes me look like a reet tart • when she's tired she does this really giddy excited breathing and it results in a snort. it is bloody hilarious, little piggy 🐷 • she blagged herself some free toast at a nursery visit. My baby is a hustler 😎 • monkey can wave. only she does it on her own terms and not when you want her to say ey up or ta-ra (hello and goodbye respectively in yorkshire) and here is a photo of her looking like a nutter.

Park Life!

Monkey had her first go on a swing this week! The one at my local park is really big for a baby swing so I daren't let her actually swing. Because if I did she definitely would have face planted into the basket thing. Which is funny hypothetically but not in reality. We were joined by Auntie Rachel and Auntie Kaleigh's little lass (Auntie Kaleigh had to work, booooooo) It was a lovely day. Look at her face 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Look at her big toes. They stick out at odd angles. Her dad's toes do exactly the same. I didn't know you could inherit toe habits 😂

She's Got the Clap!

is it poor taste to make STI jokes in a blog about my sprog? Yes? Ah well, it made me laugh. Probably because wiggles had me up at 3 and then 6 so I've got a bit dippy. Anyway when I say clap I clearly mean that she has got the hang of clapping her hands! Weirdly she's been clapping her feet for a few months but that was just random flailing leg movements. I hope she doesn't feel like we're treating her like some kind of show dog. I suppose having a baby is kinda like having a puppy. I have said that wiggles is half puppy half spider monkey. I'm now singing spider pig to myself. I need to go back to bed. I've cracked hahahaha.


I've put teeeeeef as my title because I have a slight speech impediment. I can't say my "ths" (which makes having the name beTHany a reet bloody laugh 😒😂) But yeah, monkey has two little teeth, here she is proudly showing them off. I have to pull a kissy face with big eyes to get a smile from her. She's loving life because she's just had some carrot puffs. The little buggers stain EVERYTHING. not even vanish (well whatever Lidl calls their vanish) (this blog should be sponsored by Lidl haha) shifts it. Luckily it came off her face bit only after using wet wipes, a special top to toe wipe and a bath. I wonder if there's some magic way to remove orange baby food stains? Suggestions welcome.

Eight Months Old!

Monkey is back to her normal happy little self after five days of having a bubbly tummy (and that's putting it very politely haha) See even her crazy smile is back. Highlights of our eight month: • making it to Bradford and back on the bus two days in a row and living to tell the tale • the cutting of tooth number two • crawling has been mastered and monkey zips about like she's frigging usian bolt • squidge has started to screw up her face and flap her arms whenever she gets excited AND I AM LIVING FOR IT • I went to go see steps with my bestie (not baby related at all but I needed to share that with you all, it was fecking amazing! It was cheesy and camp and fabulous and glittery!)

Sad Sack Sally

We're experiencing our first illness. We are feeling very sorry for ourselves. I am so used to a joyful, giddy, smiley baby. It's breaking my heart to see such sadness in her eyes. Monkey really doesn't know what to do with herself. We're surviving on sips of water, YouTube videos of Elmo and lots of naps.

Yet Another Table Tots Haul

Reet so I reckon I may have a slight obsession with nearly new sales. Although this time I managed to spend less than £25! I got... • a Tigger door bouncer because squidge loves  the one at my mum and dad's • a ladybird Trunki because it's dead cute and we'll get round to taking wiggles on a plane eventually • some 1.0 tog sleeping bags because it's still bloody hot! Considering the Trunki alone is worth £40 new then I reckon that I've done alreet to get the lot for £22! Banging.

Baby Rave! (Ooo! Ooo!)

Me and my panto mother (who also has been a guest blogger -  see here ) took our sprogs to a baby rave AND IT WAS BLOODY ACE. And free. You know me, love mysen a bargain. There was pretty lights, flower garlands, pom poms, dancing, routines, bubbles, a parachute and foam!!!!! We were all knackered at the end of the session. Monkey had to have a breather, sit down and hit the sippy cup. And then she conked out for two hours. Note to self: have a baby rave if wiggles is resisting sleep! It was ran by  Boomchikkaboom  as part of Bradford Literature Festival and I will be definitely keeping an eye out for any other events they do.

Stuff that has happened!

I've lost track of what I've already told you about so sorry if I end up repeating owt (owt = anything to you non-yorkshire folk) SHES FINALLY CUT A CHUFFING TOOTH! after months of dribbling and chomping and random mood swings the fecker has finally cut. one down, a gazillion to go. SHE'S IN HER OWN ROOM! and the little snotbag (who I obviously love to bits) sleeps better in there than she ever did in our bloody room. she even sleeps through the night about 40% of the time. SHE CAN STAND HERSELF UP (WITH SUPPORT!) which is great, yay milestones! but it means that i spend all my day as a human climbing frame. and it makes bedtime more difficult as she can stand up in her cot but can't get back down again. I HAVEN'T LEARNT TO NOT WEAR BLACK PANTS monkey has wiped porridge, melted frozen banana lolly and carrot puff mush all over them. soz about my feet. and the mess. actually not the mess, I won't apologise for that cos that's just life.


Life's getting in the way of me posting as regularly as I'd like. All sorts of baby and non baby stuff is happening in my life so I keep choosing sleep over posting my usual babbles. So in the meantime here is some actual baby babblings from monkey.


Too. Hot. To. Blog. Heatwaves are all well and good, but oh lordy it is difficult to get a baby to sleep in this heat. Especially one as sweaty as mine. But she's cute as heck so i forgive her

Back to Tap Class

Bit of background - I started tap dancing in April 2014 at my local community centre. My mate Rachel (of Auntie Rachel fame) came with me. We were soon christened the "Baby Tappers" because we were the only ones under 30 odd who were also proper shit. We do yearly tapathons for charity. It's bloody brilliant. So after nine months leave, I returned. Here are my babblings; • I was really scared about my lady parts falling out with all the jigging about we do (luckily it stayed up where it belongs) • I severely overestimated the strength of my pelvic floor. If I hadn't have weed before I definitely would have fully pissed myself. • There's a plant growing through the roof. We have lovingly named her Ivy • It was the most exercise I've done since my sprog was conceived • The ladies complimented me on my figure (obviously not important but still nice!) • I bloody missed it. Dancing makes me so happy. I don't care that I look like an electrocuted sp...

Father's Day

These two are utterly and completely besotted with each other. Definitely a daddy's girl. Look how cute they were in their matching outfits on father's day. He's such a good dad. I could babble on for years about all the reasons why. But I won't because it'll make me cry. And I also can't be arsed. The three of us all may have very different personalities but there are some strong family traits we all possess. The main one being that we all have the ability to share ridiculous anecdotes that involve food ending up anywhere but our mouths. Examples below; Dale: He found a grain of rice in his belly button. He hadn't had rice that day. Me: I went about my day with a baked bean in my hair. My friend had to point it out to me because I was oblivious. Squidge: She sneezed and kiwi seeds flew out of her nose. She ate the kiwi several days prior. We are a family of weirdos and I love it.

Seven Months Old!

Firstly a confession. I didn't realise she was seven months old until my auntie asked how old monkey was and I replied with "oh nearly seven months" and dale was like "no, she's actually seven months. today" ....whoops Highlights of our seventh month • we attended our first wedding! Squidge got all dressed up (see above) and saw all the Bealies (my Nana had 11 kids so there's bloody millions of us haha! ...I genuinely have no idea how she dealt with 11 kids. I have one and I need soooo much help with her 🙈) • wiggles is obsessed with trying to stand up. she doesnt let the fact that she can't stand up phase her. We should all have the ambition and determination of a baby! • she has mastered the SOOOOO BIIIIIIG trick. to the extent that she'll just do it at random times so you have to drop all conversation and say SOOOOO BIIIIIIG to her. Or she'll just sit there with her hands in the air. • we introduced finger food. she takes that to...

Lidl Loving.

Yesterday was our weekly big shop. Me and dale are recent Lidl converts. We are all about the middle aisles. We're there for the mystery, excitement and bargains. So obviously I was buzzing when they had a crap-tonne (sorry still on the crap-tonne hype ha) of baby books! Head, shoulders, knees and toes is monkey's favourite song so I actually squealed when I saw this. 😂 (I need to get out more clearly) (GET OUT MORE TO LIDL COS ITS THE TITS) We also bought all the boring food stuff as I needed to stock up of squidge's meals for the week. Meal prepping as the cool kids call it. I wouldn't know because I am very uncool (and happy about it, far less effort) Today I made; • avocado, tomato and yoghurt (to pop in my transportable squeezey pouches for meals out and about) • broccoli, courgette, onion and cheese mush (I had a pot myself and it wasn't half bad!) • courgette slices and circles (to roast for finger food) • I got bored so didn't do ow...

Bargain Queen

My blog title now has me singing bloody ABBA. Not that it's a bad thing. Love a bit of ABBA. YOOOOUUU CAN DAAAAANCE, YOOOUU CAN JIIIIIIIVE! Absolute banger. Enough of the babbling. As you may know, I am reet Yorkshire. One of the traits of being a proper Yorkshire lass is loving a bargain (aka being a tight arse with yer money ha) Sooooo you can imagine my excitement when i hit up the local mum2mum baby sale this weekend. The name "mum2mum" annoys me because it's not just mum's that are involved in raising a child - there's dad, friends, grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. But that's probably not going to be a catchy business name so I get it. Sorry, another babble. I got all this for £7! 9 items for £7! That's less than 80p per item! The Minnie Mouse outfit (I bloody love Disney) brand new is £15! So I'm £8 up already. And I can't be arsed to find out how much the other stuff cost but let's say I've saved a crap-tonne. ...


First of all, the sleeping through thing I got overly excited about? Out of the window. Ah well co-sleeping is lovely even if it does result in various injuries for me and dale. Monkey claws at us like a velociraptor. She's also gone from having one poo every three days to three poos every day ever since she started on solids. It's rather impressive. Well it's impressive if you're impressed by my child's bowel habits...I am assuming that you're not. Chunk LOVES her food, she hasn't rejected anything we've offered her (yet!) and I'm still going with making my own mush for her. It finally puts my A* in food tech to good use after almost 10 years of obtaining the GCSE. Dribble chops has finally nailed SOOOOO BIIIIIIG. It's so freaking cute. I say nailed, she doesn't do it on demand, she just randomly throws her arms in the air and waits until someone says SOOOOO BIIIIIIG. That's it really. This post was a bit all over the place...


guess what? she slept through. in her own bed. it's a bloody miracle. if this isn't a fluke and she carries on being a bloody star then we'll start thinking about popping her in her own room. which I will both love and hate. if you're also a parent, or care for a baby overnight or whatever, you will understand why I'm so excited. Mainly because I am always asked "is she sleeping through" and usually I just snort and pull a stink face. But now I can reply with "YES SHE BLOODY HAS/IS" (an aside: I am obsessed with squidge's smiley face. It's so genuine. Her whole face lights up when she smiles. She is so joyful!)

PND is a bitch.

My depression has really been biting me in the arse this week. I wish the waiting list for the therapy wasn't so bloody long. The bad thoughts have been getting louder and I haven't got the strength to ignore them. (Don't worry I'm not having thoughts of hurting myself or my kiddo. I have had self harming urges in the past and it's really scary but I think my antidepressants have stopped those urges) Basically I've managed to convince myself that my daughter doesn't like me. Even as I'm typing this out I realise how ridiculous that sounds. But my brain is broken and that's what it's doing. Wiggles is always so happy and smiley but recently she's been crying, angry and frustrated, until someone else is with her then she's fine. I know I shouldn't be taking this personally but PND is a bitch and overrides all rational thoughts. Those close to me have comforted me and reasoned with me, saying it's because I'm her mum so sh...

Bed 'Ead

Sorry we're having too much of a chilled bank holiday for me to post decent content (well decent for me) So here's wiggles with crazy bed hair. featuring cookie monster, elmo, minnie mouse, mr potato head, mickey mouse and dale wearing a sombrero (the chipmunk, not dale my husband 😂) 

Why is my baby like Bjork?

I've been a bit concerned because squidge has been a bit of a mute for the past few weeks. Just laughter and whines. No babbling. In her own little world. I have resisted the urge to google what the "norm" is for a six month old. But it hasn't stopped me having mild "development anxiety" (where parents worry about how fast or slow their sprogs are hitting milestones) I needn't have worried because I popped monkey down for a nap and there were some reet sounds coming from her Moses basket. Then she went back to being a mute. So to paraphrase Bjork (see this post does relate to it's title!) It's oh so quiet Shh shh It's oh so still Shh shh You're all alone Shh shh And so peaceful until EEEEEEEEE AAAAAAA ERRRRRR EHHHH HEEEEEEE AAAAAAAHHHH.

Unsolicited Parenting Tip #465

You know, I'm not reet sure that I mean unsolicited. Basically I'm giving out advice that no one asked for ha. So here it is; take the batteries out of the remote before giving it to your sprog to play with 👍 (I learnt this the hard way and she nearly deafened me by blasting up the volume on Mr Tumble) Why do babies insist on chewing everything they're not supposed to? We have got gazillions of teething toys yet she ignores them and beelines for remotes, plates, knees, etc. Weirdo.

First Hair Cut.

The title explains what I'm about to babble about. I am constantly told by everyone, especially old people in supermarkets, that my child has a lot of hair. So at the tender age of six months and three days, we took her to get her hair cut. Bit of background: we go to the hairdressers as a family. me, my mum, my dad and my sister Emma when she was alive. we have been going to Kevin, Emily and Ella for years. They're fab and so lovely. Monkey was reet good and sat dead still the entire time. Before After LOOK AT HER LITTLE FRINGE 😍 SHE LOOKS LIKE A LITTLE GIRL AND NOT A LITTLE BABY!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I'VE GOT HER LITTLE BABY HAIR IN A BAG TO PUT IN A MEMORY BOX! it's weird to think that the hair in that bag was the hair she was born with. god her hair was covered in gunk when she was first born, it was minging.  she's got such a cute little bob now 😍 i had a bob at around her age and it's why i have the nickname bobs. it'...

Six Months Old!

Siiiiiiiix monnnnnnnnnths olllllllld!!!!!! Woooooohooooooo!!!!!! (I had a really challenging day with her yesterday, the worst in a while and it kicked my mental health in the balls so I'm deciding the celebrate all the little victories - like her half birthday!) Highlights of our sixth month • chunk has scoffed pea mush, broccoli mush and carrot mush. she's all about the mush • i've finally learnt what her poo face is like! • she's stops whatever she's doing if she hears the chase music or the mash theme tune and it's hilarious • wiggles does an excited dance whenever we put hey duggee on • she full on belly laughs if dale let's her stroke his hair 😂

Mental Health Update

I've realised that I haven't mentioned my mental health for a while. Probably because that although my antidepressants are keeping me stable I am STILL on the waiting list for therapy so I'm kind of stuck in limbo. I'm better in the sense that I feel comfortable being alone with squidge now. But the negative scary shitty thoughts are still there and I don't want to be on antidepressants for the rest of my life so therapy would be really helpful. So I will keep waiting. Thank god I have an amazing support network because without them I would have definitely had more of a mental breakdown and maybe acted on my self-harm urges. Hmm this post ended up being a bit of a debbie Downer so I took a photo of me and monkey (she's asleep on me as I'm writing this) Please excuse my makeup free face exposing the bags under my eyes and spots on my chin. Let's be honest, you're paying more attention to little miss scratchy nose anyway ❤️


Squidge has been obsessed with rolling on to her tummy. During nappy changes, at bedtime, while getting dressed. It certainly makes those tasks more "challenging" (aka a pain in the arse. it's cute at first but eventually I just want to staple her limbs to the floor so she'll bloody stay still!) Today monkey was wiggly piggling while I was getting her out of her jim-jams. So I left her to it cos we weren't in a rush. Then she only went and rotated! Yay to a new skill!

Peas Sir, I want some more!

Again no apologies for the horrendous blog title pun. I bloody love musicals and I bloody love pun so I will embrace any opportunity to combine the two! So me and dale thought dribble chops was ready to start trying flavours other than milk and dirty bath water (yeah she licks her bath water...idk) I got weirdly excited about putting on her special bib, heating up the pea mush and getting her cultery and crockery sorted. Dale did the first few tastes as I get to do quite a few firsts because he's at work (I can be a fair lovely wife when I want to be!) And it was delightful to watch. She actually ate some of my tinned pea milky mush! Then I had a go (and I had no idea what I was doing, I just kinda put the spoon near her mouth and in her gob. Is that right?! Is there a right way? She kept it down and didn't cry so I guess so?) Monkey hasn't pooed since scoffing her peas. I reckon it'll be a new poo experience. I wonder if it'll be green? Only time will ...

The Sun has got it's Hat On!

...however I forgot to pack squidge's sun hat (cos I'm such a top mum 😐) so she had to borrow her aunties cap. As you can see, it was ridiculously big for her which made her look ridiculously cute (I have mum bias but I do think it's true) We were at my hubby's parents house this afternoon enjoying the sunshine. So naturally we cracked the cider out. Monkey felt left out and wouldn't pipe down until I gave her my can to hold. It was a proud moment for me. To be fair, I had the same exact look when I first saw the cider too 😂

Not So Easy Peas-y

Sorry not sorry about the horrendous title pun! Squidge will be ready to start weaning very soon so I thought "oooh let's have a practice at making her food!" Reet, I'll be honest, I am most definitely not blessed in the domesticity department. I melt clothes when ironing, I put grease proof paper in the grill and get confused when it catches fire, I am not entirely where we keep the dusters or even if we actually own dusters. So deciding to make all my own food rather than buying jars/pouches may seem odd. I don't really have a reason for doing so apart from just fancying having a go. The first challenge was choosing what to make first. I went for peas because it was the only vegetable we had in the house which would be suitable (I'm a salad-y veg kinda gal) The next challenge was "the recipe" because I didn't have one and couldn't be arsed to look for one. So I blagged it. I shouldn't have blagged it. I thought "half a can ...

Party Over.

Turns out it was a fluke. She hasn't slept through the past two nights.  I don't mind though. Much.  She's asleep now. I love holding her while she sleeps. Nicest feeling in the world.  She has the most amazing eyelashes. I'm well jealous. Years of mascara abuse have rendered mine stubby little stumps.  This post is a bit shit and a bit short. But I have nowt else to say. I mean what I have said isn't that interesting so adding owt else would induce sleep. Ha, maybe I should read it to squidge so she'll bloody sleep on a night! 


SQUUDGE SLEPT THROUGH! SHE ONLY WENT AND BLOODY SLEPT THROUGH!!!! FROM 11.45PM TO 6.50AM!!! I SUPPOSE IT WAS KIND OF CHEATING BECAUSE SHE SLEPT IN OUR BED BUT SCREW THAT, SHE BLOODY SLEPT THROUGH!!!!!! I AM PREMATURELY CELEBRATING BECAUSE ITS LIKELY TO BE A FLUKE BUT SOD IT, LETS CELEBRATE EVERYTHING IN LIFE!!! hehe, I'm just a bit excited about her sleeping through :) Here are a few other things that have occurred recently; • I knelt in a puddle of my daughter's wee (and I wasn't even that arsed tbh) • Squidge keeps having coughing fits which makes her shart • Monkey chops keeps pulling this hilarious old man face


Being a Yorkshire lass, it's a rite of passage to go to Eureka. If you haven't heard of it (and if you haven't, why not?) it's a children's museum in Halifax and it's bloody amazing! Me and Dale went with my lovely colleague and her gorgeous little lad who is a few months off two. He was definitely more into eureka than squidge. Probably because she's only five months old. He was so lovely with squidge and even held her hand at one point. It was so bloody cute!!! We tried to get a photo but getting a photo of two sprogs is quite the challenge. But this one is reet nice. Even if monkey only has one sock on haha. The grown-ups favourite things; • the reasonably priced cafe  (food is very important) • the abundance of baby change places  (nicknamed code yellows and bye-byes lol) • i can't speak for the other two but I reet enjoyed all the opportunities to dress up The kiddo's favourite things; • going in the lift  (yep, really hahaha) ...

Be My Guest - Kelly

Hello all, guest blogger Kelly today - I asked Beth if I could contribute to her blog as I love reading it and have also recently had a baby myself (but unlike Beth I don't have the IT skills or dedication to create and maintain my own regular blog!).  So about me; if anyone ever asked what I wanted most from life, my response would be to have children and be a mum. I've been really lucky that from a young age I've been able to get plenty of 'mum practice' in; I have a beautiful god-sister whose nappies I've been changing since I was 9, I became a carer and support worker for children with various disabilities over 12 years ago, I've been the original 'panto mother' for as long as i can remember - and of course I'm the only one on a night out who can get totally shitfaced yet be able to administer basic first aid and also remember to take out tape/gauze/tissues/etc to parent the rest of the group! In my professional life I'm a social wor...

Great Grandad Leslie

Squidge is very lucky to have six great grandparents in her life (and she also has a great-great grandad!) (they have 'em young in barnsley) (my in-laws are from barnsley) Today we visited her Great Grandad Leslie (my maternal grandad) in his new care home. He has fairly advanced dementia so I don't think he has much concept about who my sprog is, or even who I am for that matter. But it's reet because he clearly adores her and he fully lights up whenever she's in the room. It's so lovely to see, his memories may have faded but his love for his family is clearly here to stay for the time being :)

Table Tots Sale Mega Haul

Nearly new sales are the shit. I got some reet bargains! And its good karma and whatnot. It was totally worth queueing up half an hour early with my mum. We were like Monica in that episode of Friends where they go wedding dress shopping. Anyway here is what I got: Tommee Tippee Steamer Blender new- £70 Infantino Squeeze Station new - £32 Infantino 50 pouches new - £18 I paid... £35! Little Tikes Pink Trike new - £70 I paid... £25! Leap Frog Learn n Groove Activity Station new - £85 (a while back though) I paid... £10! So using my accountancy knowledge (something which I have 85% forgotten since being off work) I got £275 worth of gear for £70. Banging! So yeah, I thoroughly recommend nearly new sales. You can find out about them via Facebook and I go to Table Tots which is for ones in Yorkshire. Cos us Yorkshire folk love a good bargain. (I did a quick Google to find out the new prices, they may be found cheaper in shops or with further researc...